El Capital que es Vendido en el Extranjero es USTED

El estado del sistema económico no es bueno”.  “Nuestro déficit de comercio es muy grande”.

“No podemos volver a ser imprudentes con el gasto”.

¡Nuestra deuda aumentará!  ¡Estamos en camino a la quiebra!

George Orwell escribió una vez que el gran enemigo del lenguaje claro es la insinceridad. Cuando hay una diferencia entre nuestros objetivos reales y esos que decimos son nuestros objetivos, instintivamente buscamos palabras confusas y expresiones trilladas; como un calamar expulsando tinta.

Usted probablemente escuchó frases confusas como el déficit comercial, la desvalorización de la moneda, la deuda nacional, responsabilidades o programas sin financiamiento y así por el estilo. Todo esto parece tan vago y actuario. Simplemente no tiene sentido! La realidad detrás de estas frases es perfectamente monstruosa.

Cuando alguien -por ejemplo un extranjero- presta dinero al gobierno, ¿qué es lo que ganan, cuál es su beneficio? Bueno, ellos reciben promesas de pagos en forma de interéses y el pago eventual del préstamo original. ¿De dónde su gobierno obtiene este dinero para pagar? El gobierno no es un negocio, no genera ganancias en un mercado libre. Entonces, ¿De dónde saca el dinero para pagar a sus prestamistas? ¿Comienza usted a entender que no son dólares o bonos o deuda lo que se está intercambiando o vendiendo?

¿De dónde el gobierno va a obtener el dinero para pagar a sus prestamistas? No es papel moneda o contratos o cantidades en una computadora lo que determina que se intercambia o vende. Solo existe una cosa que el gobierno puede para vender. Los gobiernos solo tienen un activo que ellos pueden usar como colateral. Su gobierno, sus líderes, están vendiendolo a USTED.

Cuando China le presta $800 millones de dólares a un gobierno, lo que ellos reciben a cambio es una garantía que recibirán $10.000 dólares -más interéses- los cuales serán robados de USTED y su FAMILIA; a punta de pistola si es necesario, y serán enviados al extranjero. Cuando un hacendado obtiene un préstamo del banco, él usa su ganado como colateral. Es la carne y leche que su ganado producirán en el futuro lo que él utilizará para pagar el préstamo.

En realidad, lo que el banco hace es comprar parte de la propiedad del hacendado, y en la realidad de hoy, USTED es ese ganado que sus líderes usan como colateral. Los líderes que USTED apoya y elige cada cuatro años; esos a los que usted dona dinero y tiempo en las campañas políticas, lo están vendiendo a los prestamistas. No importa si estos prestamistas son Chinos, Japoneses, o Sur Americanos. Todos estos señores feudales con cuentas en bancos caribeños y que residen en Rusia, Korea, Egipto, Colombia, Chile, Filipinas, Malasia o cualquier otro lugar. Cualquiera que este dispuesto a darles unos cuantos dólares a cambio de la sangre, el sudor y un pedazo del futuro por el cual USTED lucha cada día.

La bandera que USTED respeta y el himno que USTED canta, los líderes que USTED sigue y delante de los cuales USTED se arrodilla, tienen tan poca lealtad hacia USTED, como un señor feudal tenía hacia sus esclavos. Y desgraciadamente, los esclavos tenían más orgullo que nosotros. Los esclavos del sistema feudal no alababan a sus Dueños cuando eran vendidos, o cuando subastaban las vidas, esperanza, sueños y el futuro de sus niños.

Podemos entender porque el ganado lame la mano de su dueño, quien usa un hacha para cortar su cuello, porque el ganado son animales estúpidos que no entienden la realidad de su relación con su dueño, y sus planes inminentes para ellos. ¿Cuál es nuestra excusa? Cuando cantamos el nombre de los políticos; cuando aplaudimos y apoyamos y nos postramos y lloramos de felicidad porque un nuevo Dueño ha llegado para desmantelar y vender el futuro de nuestra familia; cuando adoramos con estupidez obsesiva a nuestros líderes, quienes se burlan de nosotros mientras nos subastan a cualquier dictador y agente de bolsa alrededor del mundo; ¿Cuál es nuestra excusa?

¿Será que nuestro orgullo ha sido destruído y transformado en una alegría patética la cual demostramos cada vez que un nuevo demagogo de sangre azul aparece pretendiendo que le interesamos? En el futuro, nuestros hijos preguntarán porque nos arrodillamos y celebramos mientras ellos eran vendidos al mejor postor. Este texto -y mi trabajo para “despertar” a la mayor cantidad de gente- es mi respuesta. ¿Cuál es la suya?

Russian President: New World Order with new Global Currency

By Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
June 19, 2010

As many other puppet presidents have done it before, Russia’s Dmitri Medvedev is taking his opportunity to call for a new world

Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev

order and to push the Russian currency up, as the new reserve paper.  “What had seemed untouchable has collapsed. The bubbles that created the illusion of flourishing economies have burst,” said the Russian president in St Petersburg.  As he opened Russia’s annual economic forum, Medvedev said the times when western corporations dominated the economy had ended and the new interest in Russia was a sign that the world was changing.

“For Russia this situation is a challenge and an opportunity.  And we should use it to build a modern, flourishing and strong Russia … which will be a co-founder of the new world economic order.” he added.  Talking in front of many businessmen from around the world, the Russia leader followed the steps of other governments and presidents as well as of non-governmental institutions.  In the past, George H.W. Bush, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Barack Obama, among others, have called for the formation of a new world order.  In fact, all those leaders have cited the creation of a centralized global entity as the only way to cure the many illnesses the world suffers from today.

Together with governments, there are supranational institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and their respective leaders, who have echoed the same calls for the creation of a new global order.  This order would have the power, will amass the resources of the planet and will decide how to use them.  The plan also includes the creation of a single monetary policy to which all countries will have to submit to.  The adherence to such policy will enable the countries to receive loans and aid packages that will make them more dependent on the foreign centralized organization, and less dependent on their own Constitutions and laws.  In fact, in the world seen through the eyes of people like Medvedev and the other power men, there is no need for nationality, sovereignty or identity.

Russia has already taken significant steps to aid the lifeline of the new world order -which has existed for many years now-.  The country will introduce a policy of zero taxation on capital gains which will indeed allow the free flow of monies in and out of, much like it happens in corrupt countries where this policy aides and enables money laundering through the banking system.  This would transform Russia into the new United States when it comes to moving large amounts of money coming from all places -drug trade, arms trade, slave trade- to circulate and make its way across the world.  Of course Medvedev did not present it like that.  Instead, he said his policy would allow companies working on long-term investments.  Russia, he said, “was improving the legal system to offer better protection for businesses against the long arm of bureaucracy.”  In other words, crime, of the kind recently experienced through Wall Street banks around the world will have a safe heaven in Russia.  What Mr. Medvedev’s words mean is that all the policies that allowed the bankers to suck countries dry of their resources will also exist in the world order he dreams about, where Russia is the new leader and he’s the new Al Capone.  Limits to bureaucracy means zero regulation or a perfect environment for the corporations to run their shady Ponzi schemes.

The Russian president also talked about something that would make any corporate businessman smile, even in the rainiest day.  Russia has completed the process of simplifying migration procedures, so that workers can go in the country; or better, Russia just like China will allow corporations to pay some of the lowest wages to its citizens in exchange for long working days with no benefits and no rights.  Again, it’s clear he did not present it this way.  He said Russia had changed to attract “highly-qualified specialists” from the financial and technology sectors.  “The state should not tear down the apples from the tree of economics,” he said.

Medvedev complemented his speech on a new world order by forcefully attacking the dollar and claiming that it was time for a new reserve currency.  “Only three, five years ago it seemed like a fantasy” to create a new reserve currency. Now we are seriously discussing it.”  He does not seem to be alone in that ride.  It seems China is up to the challenge as well.  In the meantime, Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer added his voice to the Russian’s, but from a very different point of view, one that is rarely heard.  He said: “New reserve currencies don’t emerge by fiat. They emerge as countries change.”  A fiat currency is paper or electronic  money that is not backed up by a nation’s industry or production, but by an inflated system of blind trust on what a piece of paper says it is worth.

Apparently, both Russia and China think it is time for the East to drive the world and its markets.  “We really live at a unique time, and we should use it to build a modern, prosperous and strong Russia, a Russia that will be a co-founder of the new world economic order,” he said.  The problem with Medvedev’s vision is that his plan will not work, at least not for as long as he wants.  Although he intends to build something new, better and different, he plans on using the same old policies that brought us to the disaster he so clearly criticizes.  He wants prosperity, a modern economy and a strong Russia, but he wants zero regulation, a centralized dictatorial government and no sovereignty.  Maybe he forgets that Capitalism, the real Capitalism, was born from free independent nations that based their development on the use of their resources to produce quality goods that benefited the world.  Instead, he wants a global economy filled with cheap, slave-made products that need to be changed every few months.  He wants the best workers, but will follow the same old low-paying policies that maintains Asia’s and Latin America’s people in a continuous feudal model of development.

“If the world depended completely on the dollar, the situation would have been more difficult,” Medvedev reminded the audience.  So why does he want a single global currency, then?