British Government has nukes in Falkland Islands, says Argentina


Argentina accused the United Kingdom of sending submarines carrying nuclear weapons to the Falklands and thus violating international treaties that establish that this region should be nuclear free. “We are in a precarious stage of implementation of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which prohibits nuclear weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. This precarious implementation is challenged by the UK,” said Eduardo Zuain, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Argentina to the Conference on Disarmament of the UN.

Argentina also blamed the United Kingdom of an unjustified and disproportionate military presence in the South Atlantic, “which includes movement of submarines capable of carrying nuclear weapons on a nuclear-free zone.” The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, which took effect on April 25, 1969, is an international agreement that establishes the denuclearization of the territory of Latin America and the Caribbean.

“Argentina is particularly concerned about the possibility, confirmed for the first time by the British Government in 2003, that the state was introducing nuclear weapons in the South Atlantic,” said Zuain, adding that the Argentine government deeply regrets that the United Kingdom ignores the complaints about this situation.

“We regret that the British Government has not provided clarifications requested on reported incidents. The UK has offered no information to corroborate or refute recent displacements of nuclear submarines capable of carrying nuclear weapons,” he said.

Furthermore, Zuain criticized the fact that the Falklands is among some of the world’s most militarized territories, with more than 1,500 British soldiers and 3,000 civilians. “This deployment includes the presence of a powerful naval fighter aircraft, an important center of command and control, and an electronic intelligence base that allows ‘monitoring’ of air and sea traffic in the region,” he added.

Zuain said the important British presence in disputed areas of the South Atlantic concerns not only to Argentina, “but also countries in the region and beyond, as evidenced by statements of the Ibero-American Union of Nations (UNASUR) , Mercosur, the Rio Group and the Summit of South America and Arab Countries (ASPA). ”

Argentina urged the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, to overcome the impasse in which it has been for 15 years so they can advance on different topics including the ones raised by the Government of Buenos Aires.

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Britain Militarizing South Atlantic: Kirchner

By Barney Henderson
The Telegraph
February 7, 2012

Argentine president, Cristina Kirchner, has announced Argentina will appeal to the United Nations over the Falklands Islands, claiming Britain had militarised the South Atlantic in a speech in Buenos Aires.

“The sending of a destroyer to accompany the Royal heir is a militarisation of the South Atlantic,” Mrs Kirchner said.

“We will present a complaint to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, as this militarisation poses a grave danger to international security.”

Mrs Kirchner said the Falklands was not only a “regional issue” but had become a “global cause”.

Announcing the founding of a mental health hospital for Falklands war veterans, Mrs Kirchner said: “I want the Prime Minister of England to give peace a chance and ‘no’ to war.”

Tensions have increased to their highest level since the end of the conflict 30 years ago as the Duke of Cambridge, a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot, began a six week tour of duty in the islands at the weekend.

The Royal Navy also announced last week it was sending its most powerful warship, HMS Dauntless, to the South Pacific.

William Hague told the Sky News Murnaghan programme on Monday that commemorations would go ahead to mark the 30-year anniversary of the Falklands conflict.

He said Britain supported the islanders’ self-determination and would seek to prevent Argentina from “raising the diplomatic temperature” on the issue.

Mr Hague said: “(The events) are not so much celebrations as commemorations.

“I think Argentina will also be holding commemorations of those who died in the conflict.

“Since both countries will be doing that I don’t think there is anything provocative about that.”

Deployments of a warship and Prince William to the Falkland Islands are “entirely routine”, the Foreign Secretary said.

Argentina has received the backing of Latin American countries for its claim of sovereignty over the remote, wind-lashed islands, which were occupied by Britain in 1833.

The dispute erupted into warfare April 2, 1981 when Argentine troops seized the islands, only to be routed in a 74-day war that claimed the lives of 649 Argentines and 255 Britons.

Diplomatic friction between Argentina and Britain has intensified since 2010, when the Government authorised oil exploration in the waters near the islands.